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Zotero Zoom Through In-Person / Online

Missing essential info for citing an article or other source? Collect and organize sources as-you-go, and cite with Zotero. In this brief workshop you’ll learn and practice the essentials for using this powerful citation management program. 
You will leave the session with the basics and a checklist to take you through additional Zotero features we may not be able to cover in this 30 minute session, including: in-text citations with dynamic bibliographies, space-saving strategies, and advanced setting options. 
Note: If possible, please download the Zotero desktop client on your own laptop prior to the session and bring it to the session. In addition, please create your Zotero online account. If you are attending the session in person, please bring your own laptop. 

Free and open to all, registration required for Zoom link.

Monday, February 3, 2025
12:00pm - 12:30pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Olin Library, Instruction Room 1
Danforth Campus
  Graduate Students     Undergraduate Students  
Registration has closed.

Session Presenter

Profile photo of Kris Helbling
Kris Helbling

Kristine Helbling | English & American Literature Librarian 



Profile photo of Jennifer Akins
Jennifer Akins