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Space Availability - Art & Architecture - Display Cases

Exhibitor Responsibilities

Exhibitors must reserve exhibition space well in advance of the desired exhibition date. Exhibition spaces are granted on a first-come basis. Priority will be given to students, faculty, and staff associated with the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts or the Department of Art History and Archaeology. If the exhibitor is unable to mount their exhibition, please notify the library staff as soon as possible.

Exhibitors are responsible for installation and removal of their display items, but may request assistance from libraries staff. In certain cases, supplies may be available for exhibitors’ use.

Exhibitors assume all risk of damage or loss of their materials. Cases are low security, so inclusion of valuable objects in displays is strongly discouraged. The library is not responsible for display items that are damaged, lost, or stolen. Exhibitors are responsible for providing all materials for their exhibits.

Exhibitors must deinstall their display items by the final date of their reservation.

Exhibitors are expected to leave the exhibit cases in the same condition in which they were found.

Exhibitors must provide a printed graphic with the title of the exhibit, along with any text labels to be included with the exhibit. The sign should not be affixed to the glass by means of any adhesive substance.

Exhibitions may include: books, book jackets, periodicals, posters, artwork, handicrafts, and other material that will visually enhance the exhibit.

Exhibitions may be reserved for one week to one month; extensions will be granted if no other exhibits are scheduled. Exhibition signage and written materials should be neat and accurate.

Exhibitions will be publicized, in some cases.

Rights & Restrictions

Washington University Libraries adhere to the American Library Association’s policy statement on Exhibit Spaces and Bulletin Boards which states that, “materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.”

Exhibitions should reflect the academic, cultural, historical, scientific or social concerns of the University and its community, informing, educating and enriching the public.

Exhibitions should not include defaming or obscene materials as defined by the Supreme Court ruling in Miller vs California 1973. (basic guidelines): The basic guidelines for the trier of fact must be: (a) whether “the average person, applying contemporary community standards” would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, (b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law; and (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.”

Exhibitions that editorialize personal or partisan opinions or viewpoints will not be approved.

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